AR Museum • Tatra

Development of application brings several visual additions to the exhibition of known Czech manufacturer TATRA…

MR Museum • Bruntál

Development of a full museum exhibition including Augmented and Virtual Reality stations.   Project We…

Immersive Retailer • MOYA

Moya is the first immersive retailer to revolutionize the future of retail completely.   Project…

AR Museum • Giants

We develop an extension of ice age exposure by multimedia elements using the AR application.…

AR Presentation • BEDNAR

The complexity of the agricultural machine’s system can be easily explained visually with AR technology.…

AR Game • Niantic

Development of an interactive AR game built around the narrative of Golem.    Project We…

Print AR • Surf Studio ČSOB

Development of unique promotional materials using animations and augmented reality to introduce the Surf Studio…

AR Presentation of Electromobility • ŠKODA

We wanted to show that something as complex as a system of electromobility can be…

AR Smart Maintenance • Mainware

Since Yord is primarily focused on agency work, we felt there was something crucial missing.…

Automotive Innovation • ŠKODA

We wanted to show that something as complex as a system of electromobility can be…