No, you aren’t seeing an article from the late ‘80ies. The most significant impact of 3D technologies is still ahead.
Creativity wants FREEDOM.
New technology is often complex, cumbersome, and expensive. While it’s new, it will inevitably be the tool of big institutions like governments and corporations. Only when the average person has access to create will the technology bloom and reach its full potential. At this point, it will start rapidly reshaping the experiential landscape for the average consumer.
The 3D revolution has not yet reached it’s apex
3D technologies have advanced significantly in the past 50 years. From modeling to imaging, media production, and even 3D printing, yet the real 3D revolution has not yet happened. The hurdle of accessibility for 3D creation is inching ever downward, though. In a few short years, we will see an explosion of 3D technology applications that will touch every corner of our lives.
The roots of 3D design
While analog 3D, in the form of stereoscopic photography has been around since 1832, computer 3D modeling came to light in the 1960ies. It was still relegated mostly to the domain of computer science and hardcore math. The University of Utah has pioneered some of the core 3D animation and modeling technology in the ‘70ies. The program’s alumni have gone on to create historical companies like Pixar and Adobe. These companies helped popularize the idea of 3D, creating a market for digital computer graphics. We can see its impact in fields as different as gaming, architectural design, and medicine.
3D is more accessible than ever
These new forms of media brought about the technologies that enable the average consumer to participate in the creation of 3D content as well. With platforms like Blender, a free 3D modeling and animation solution, as well as a range of free game engines like Unity and Godot, anyone can become a creator.
For the time being, however, most 3D experiences are tethered to bulky desktops and specialized 3D rigs and peripherals that will isolate the user in their virtual reality worlds.
Traditional VR, whether experienced in a cinema, through gaming or even in a professional context is an adventure that is isolated from reality. VR has the power to transport your experience somewhere else, cutting you off, however momentarily, from the place that your body occupies. This keeps 3D technology in a limited state, either too immersive or not immersive enough to be integrated into your everyday life.
The emergence of powerful mobile technologies gives a hint of the true potential of 3D meeting the real world. As hardware has gotten smaller, portable connected devices have now provided virtually ubiquitous access to the web. They’ve also lowered the bar to entry and increased incentive for programming, design, and media production, spawning a renaissance of creative development for mobile platforms.
Sneaking in AR
Augmented Reality (AR) has been out there for some time now, implemented by innovative developers for almost a decade. But with the constantly evolving market of powerful mobile computing devices such as smartphones and tablets, 3D is coming to the real world. The stereoscopic camera arrays, data connections, and powerful processors are just some of the things that prove the AR revolution is coming and it’s gonna be big. It’s been noticed by many industries, including educational, entertainment, media and even fashion up to industrial automation and maintenance. But even the mundane business areas, like retail shopping, are able to benefit from augmented reality.
Even though the predictions for the future of AR are big, it’s still limited only to phones and tablets. The Google Glass failed experiment was the best proof of this. It is evident that form, function, and cost need significant improvements for AR glasses to be adopted by the consumer. There has been some talk about the new Apple Glasses, but that’s still further down the road. The industry is still in need of functional heads-up display hardware, which will once and for all revolutionize the Augmented Reality field, similar to what the iPhone did to the mobile phone industry.
The 3D revolution will reshape your world
If current implementations of 3D technology are anything to go by, we will see a significant reduction of costs with much higher precision of the end product. For architecture and construction companies, being able to model, troubleshoot potential geometry clashes, and then design custom solutions is possible at a large scale with 3D design. The addition of AR will help implement 3D modeling and the use of 3D references in the process of construction. The manufacturing industry is already using significant 3D and AR capabilities to produce more precise machines, as well as maintain automation lines efficiently. With the addition of ubiquitous AR, implementations on the spot will become the standard, with each field technician having access to high quality interactive 3D technical information that makes repair a breeze.
Multiple companies are working on a truly accessible AR hardware solution, and once the first product launches in the market, we are likely to see a flood of competitive hardware. 3D imaging will be everywhere you go. 3D design will be a key component for Augmented Reality at work. With accessible, wearable AR practically everything you do will be conducted in some version of 3D space. Your navigation of the real world will change significantly as well. With a flood of information coming directly to your eyes, your world will become infinitely customizable and curated. Wayfinding and discovery will be driven by Augmented Reality, as well as media and advertising. By combining the location and AR information accessibility, the way we share experiences and communication will change drastically as well.
With the possibilities promised by AR technology that is just around the corner, virtually no industry will be untouched by the 3D revolution. No company can afford to ignore the coming change, but preparing for it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Learning the basics of 3D design and getting comfortable with the possibilities is a good start. If you want to see some cutting-edge application of AR for your business, get in touch for a free demo.