The Challenge of this project was to develop the technology to enable the AR tracker points to accurately recognize and render the 3D models in real-time and create customized additional 3D items such as drones, future cars, green rooftops, and holographs that are unique and relevant to both the historical and futuristic city models—additionally, integrating the EN supportive voiceovers into the application interface and ensuring that the voiceovers are clear and understandable for users.
Our team came up with a solution that serves as a virtual presentation of the city’s Past’ and ‘Present’ areas. The project includes two horizontal platforms with AR tracker points on the top surface, forming the final part of the exhibition space. Users can view a 3D model of the city (both Historical and Futuristic) with customized additional 3D items such as drones, future cars, green rooftops, and holographs.