Print AR • Wikitude

Developing an interactive experience for children that incorporates AR technology and physical playing cards.


These days, users are looking for experiences beyond our world. But physical objects and toys still play a huge part in children’s games. Our application incorporates the two realities and allows users to experience mixed reality.


The brief
This project has many applications across many industries – including business cards, adult playing cards and numerous interactive games. We can create an experience that brings your basic printed content to life in Augmented Reality.

  • Client


  • What we did

    Design, Development

  • Technology

    AR Print

  • Device


  • Tags

    AR Filters


Anything is possible when you think differently with Augmented Reality.

Let's push the limits of the physical world and create something unforgettable!


We wanted to create something that incorporated print content and an AR experience. So much work goes into designing and creating printed content and we wanted to build on top of this work. 


We created interactive cards featuring interesting animals that would allow children to get a unique user expereince. By holding their phones to the cards, the user would see animals moving and ‘crawling’ out from the cards.

👋 Interested in this solution for your business?

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