3D Visualization • Apple

We wanted to explore the possibilities of bringing VR into the world of architecture and retail.

VR visualization of offices that Apple bought in the Czech Republic. We created a VR experience that allows the user to go through all the rooms and spaces in a fun and exciting way.


The brief 
The client wanted to present offices to the owner in an original way.


Have representative 3D visualizations of offices.

Showrooms & visualizations can be simply implemented on your website or in your app.


The challenge was to keep the virtual offices as close to the architectural design as possible. We needed to use and further optimize original furniture and materials. In many cases, furniture suppliers did not have the 3D models available leaving us no other option than to model them from scratch. 



We created a VR experience without controllers, using our hand interaction system. We modeled and optimized all of the 3D assets into the final scene with an optimal number of polygons. As a bonus, we created Apple Smartwatches with a holographic teleport system. The whole experience was also delivered as a desktop app. 

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