AR Filter • HRW

We are passionate about supporting Nonprofits and were excited to take on the task of creating Instagram filters for one of the biggest human rights advocacy organizations.

Developing an Instagram Filter that creates awareness on Social Media about the recent Human Rights Watch campaign “Break the Chains”.


The brief
HRW contacted us with an idea to support the recent campaign which sought to raise awareness for the worldwide tragedy of human chaining due to mental illness. We took this job seriously and wanted to help HRW spread the word about this horrific practice.

  • Client


  • What we did

    Design, Development

  • Technology

    AR Filters

  • Device


  • Tags

    AR Filters


We are proud to support Nonprofits and believe AR Filters are a great way to raise awareness for social justice on Social Media.

Create filters that allow people to support and share your campaign message all over Social Media.


The filter needed to promote #BreakTheChains but also had to be sensitive to the topic of the campaign.


We created a simple face filter using tracking technology to promote the main hashtag of the campaign: #BreakTheChains. The filter mirrored the original branding of the campaign and included an image of a chain breaking.